On the basis of Mises yield criterion this paper calculates the plastic strain increments by using the rule of orthogonal flow and the plastic potential theory. 为此,在传统塑性位势理论的框架内对塑性剪应变的发展规律,以及通过非平滑处理后塑性剪应变的发展规律进行了理论研究。
The model based on the multi-potential surface theory may have wider adaptability than those based on conventional plastic-potential theory, and needs no plastic potential functions or yield functions. 由此建立的土的本构模型可以无需推求塑性势函数和屈服函数,且其所能表述的本构关系比通常的塑性位势理论更为广泛。
Through the plastic potential theory, the associated rules of now are derived. 应用塑性位势理论,导出了关联的流动法则。
Fundamental and mechanical study of plastic complementary potential theory in strain space 应变空间塑性余位势理论的力学基础研究
It has been veri-fied that plastic potential function is equal to yield function and flow law is the associated flow rule. 经过验证,塑性势函数等于屈服函数,流动规律为相适应的流动法则。
The plastic complementary potential function was proved to exist in the plastic region of strain space by virtue of the new plastic postulation. 根据广义塑性公设,证明了塑性余位势函数在应变空间塑性区的存在性。
In the end, the determination methods of platic coefficients and the relation between the traditional plastic potential theory and the generalized plastic potential theory involving principal stress axes rotation are given. 论文也给出了塑性系数的确定方法及应力轴旋转的广义塑性位势理论与传统塑性位势理论的关系。
The model based on multi-potential surface theory was created directly by mathematical methods, and it avoided plastic potential functions or yield functions. 多重势面弹塑性本构模型避开了屈服面的概念,本质上是一种数学本构模型。
This article introduce the "cap yield curve model", simplify the cap yield surface and plastic potential energy surface by ellipse and circle, and get a new justify condition. 本文通过引入帽子屈服曲面,并对帽子曲面和塑性势能曲面用椭圆函数和圆函数形式进行了简化,从而得到了新的判定条件。
The traditional methods, based on plastic potential theory, are not able to exactly reflect these characteristics, in particular the influence of stress path on the constitutive relations. 基于塑性势理论的传统建模方法不能准确的反映以上岩土介质的特性,特别是应力路径的影响。
These models are based on nonlinear tensorial functions and are developed without recourse to concepts of elasto-plasticity theory such as yield surface, plastic potential, flow and hardening rules and decomposition of deformation into elastic and plastic parts. 亚塑性本构模型不是从弹塑性理论发展而来,它以非线性张量为基础,它没有屈服面、塑性势、流动法则、硬化定律以及弹性和塑性变形的分解的概念。
The plastic potential theory is applicable. 在较大的应力应变范围内加荷路径对塑性应变增量方向的影响不大,塑性势理论是适用的。
Based on the decomposition of stress increment, the decompostion formulation of the generalized plastic potential theory involving principal stress axes rotation is put forward and the difficulty of determination of plastic coefficients is reduced significantly. 在应力增量分解的基础上,提出含主应力轴旋转的广义塑性位势理论的分解表达式,它大大减小了求取塑性系数量的难度。
In this paper, applications of least energy consumption principle are discussed. According to the principle, constitutive relations of generalized standard material, plastic potential theory, Bingham and Maxwell body have been established. 本文讨论了最小耗能原理在建立耗散型材料本构关系方面的应用问题,具体导出了广义规范材料的木构关系、塑性位势理论、Bingham体及Maxwell体的本构关系。
Generalized Plastic Potential Theory Involving the Rotation of Principal Stress Axes 含主应力轴旋转的广义塑性位势理论
By transferring Lagrange configuration to Euler coordinate, the relationship between plastic potential g and equivalent stress e has been deduced in present paper. 本文通过Lagrange坐标向Euler坐标的变换,推导出弹塑性理论中塑性势函数g与等效应力σe的关系。
At the same time, we abandon the theory of plastic potential function when setting up the elastoplastic stress-strain relations, which is a real new attempt in establishing the elastoplastic constitutive model. 同时,在这种弹塑性应力-应变关系中,笔者并没有使用塑性势函数,这在目前的弹塑性本构关系的建模中是一种新的尝试。
This paper discusses the possibility of using the concept of plastic potential to study the stress-strain relationship of normally consolidated clays. 本文探讨了利用塑性势概念研究正常压密粘土的应力应变关系的可能性。
The influences of microscope size effect of matrix on plastic potential and void growth of porous materials 基体微尺度效应对弹塑性多孔洞材料本构势及孔洞长大的影响
The plastic potential of normally consolidated clays 正常压密粘土的塑性势
Numerous geotechnical experiments and engineering experiences show that the traditional plastic potential theory can not describe the basic mechanical behavior of geomaterials. 大量岩土实验与工程实践表明传统塑性位势理论无法合理反映岩土材料的基本变形机制。
This paper establishes a unified plastic model for meralic materials regarded the unified yield criteria as plastic potential. 以统一屈服准则中为塑性势。建立了金属类材料的统一塑性模型。
Palmer's method is used to construct a convex plastic potential surface. According to the properties of the plastic potential surface, it is proved that Melan's shakedown theory with non-associated flow law is still kept valid. 应用Palmer的方法构造塑性势面,根据其性质,证明了静力型安定定理在非关联流动法则下同样成立。
Study on the biaxial strengthening effect of the titanium tube under the combinatory stresses using the plastic potential theory 钛管在复杂应力下的双向强化效应
Now scholars of many countries have brought forward many elastoplastic constitutive models of soil, however, most of which are based on plastic potential theory, so finding the plastic potential function becomes the basic approach of building the stress-strain relations. 目前各国研究者已提出了相当多的岩土弹塑性本构模型,这些大多基于塑性势理论,寻找塑性势的解析表达式成为建立应力应变关系的基本途径。
Based on the discussion, this paper expatiated the essential principle of the plastic mechanics in rocks include the material yield criterion, loading-unloading criterion, plastic potential theory, hardening rules, and application in geotechnical engineering. 随后在这一部分中阐述了岩土塑性力学的基本原理,包括岩土类材料的屈服准则、加卸载准则、塑性势理论、以及加载硬化规律等原理及其在岩土工程中的应用。
The other is theoretic models, which comprise several elementary factors ( yield condition, flow rule and hardening law) of classical plastic, and base on Drucker Postulate and the theory of plastic potential. 另一类是理论模型,以Drucker公设和塑性位势理论为基础,由经典塑性力学本构的几个要素(屈服条件、流动法则、硬化规律)组合而成。
The traditional approach for constitutive modelling in soil mechanics originates from the theory of plastic potential for metals, in which the basic method of constitutive modelling is to seek an analytic expression of plastic potential for the soils. 传统的土体本构建模方法来源于金属塑性势理论,本构建模的基本途径是寻找塑性势的解析表达式。
Obviously, since the plastic deformation of metals is a pure shear one as mentioned above, it is easy to find an analytic expression of plastic potential. 显然,如上所述,金属塑性变形是一个纯粹剪切变形,容易找到塑性势的解析表达式,而对土体这是非常困难的。
Since the characters of soil are affected by many factors, it is difficult to find an analytic expression of plastic potential. 但是对于性质受多种因素影响的岩土介质,要找到一个很好反映本构关系的函数表达式是很困难的。